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Nikolas Tellar

Graphic designer, interface designer, 15 years experience

Slide # 1
Nikolas Tellar

Graphic designer, interface designer, 15 years experience


Portal information
Language:Русский  •  English (Current)
Registered:13  August  2021,  23:54  (3 Years ago)
Contact information
Portal ID:https://sferatron.com/id11
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I am an experienced graphic designer with a wide range of backgrounds. I am interested in everything related to art, computer graphics, interfaces and photography. Soon there will be a lot of interesting things on this portal!

I am an experienced graphic designer with a wide range of backgrounds. I am interested in everything related to art, computer graphics, interfaces and photography. Soon there will be a lot of interesting things on this portal!


Safety and Security

Data centers are protected not only at the level of hardware and software, but also physically.

Tags:   Fozzy  •  Fast Hosting  •  Advantages  •  Data Centers  •  Security  •  Safety  •  Go top

Мыло «Волк».

Мыло с картинкой «Волк» на водорастворимой бумаге. Кокосовое мыло с добавлением экстракта ванили обладает противомикробными, антибактериальными и противогрибковыми свойствами, экстракт ванили увлажняет, восстанавливает клетки...  Expand

Durden Laba, супер! Очень круто придумала

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Avatar from Alena
More publications in the full catalog.

Happy and fruitful 2022!

I wish you and your loved ones health, inspiration and good luck in all your endeavors.... Expand

Nikolas Tellar, разгребли хаос, поздравляю)


Bug Hunter, этот аниматор просто гений


Кёльн всегда занимал особое место в истории мирового киберспорта. Это дом крупнейшей организации во всей индустрии, колыбель Dota 2 The International, и родина “Собора Counter-Strike”. 🥰... Expand

MAINCAST, интересно какое значение в кибер-спорте занял Лас Вегас

Warm−up with a coach Natalia Korotkaya

We warm up together. Breathing is even, free. The muscles and back are relaxed. The movements are smooth.

Tags:   Workout  •  Natalia Korotkaya  •  Sport  •  Coach  •  TRX  •  Warm Up  •  Stretching  •  Neck  •  Chest  •  Shoulders  •  Back  •  Arms  •  Legs  •  Go top

This is Krzysiek Burzynski personal project: level in cyberpunk city. It was made in Unreal Engine 4.

Cyberpunk Music, wow! Awesome cybercity atmosphere! Wish to have this one in Cyberpunk 2077

Comfy background music for designers

Work Music, классный микстейп для дизайна. Рекомендую!


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