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Natalia Korotkaya

Physical and functional coach with 8 years of experience

Slide # 6
Natalia Korotkaya

Physical and functional coach with 8 years of experience


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Регистрация:9  October  2021,  20:53  (2 Years ago)
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ID портала:https://sferatron.com/id209
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Hello everyone! My name is Natalia Korotkaya. I am a physical and functional trainer with 8 years of experience. I am a certified trainer of: — TRX STC — TRX RIP TRAINER — TRX SPORTS MEDICINE --- Education and specialty: Student of the professio... ... Expand

Hello everyone! My name is Natalia Korotkaya. I am a physical and functional trainer with 8 years of experience.

I am a certified trainer of:


Education and specialty:

Student of the professional retraining course at the Moscow International Academy in the specialty: trainer for the physical and functional training of a professional athlete.

Graduated from specialized seminars:

  • Myofascial release
  • Polestar pilates school
  • General physical training for children
  • Instructor of group programs
  • And many others

Completed training in:

  • Anatomy
  • Physiology
  • Understanding movement
  • Rehabilitation
  • As part of self-study, I read dozens of specialized books

I'm doing training:

  • Group
  • Individual

Individual work is aimed at:

  • Functional testing of the body
  • Improving the figure without harm to health
  • Recovery after childbirth
  • Improvement and development of physical and functional indicators
  • Improving the quality of movement
  • Dietary recommendations
  • Individual approach to each client

You can sign up for an individual workout offline or online in messengers:


Силовая тренировка #6

Тренировка с собственным весом тела и с милым оборудованием – это не только результативно, но и безопасно для ваших суставов и связок.

Продолжаем наш курс. Если занимаетесь, делитесь впечатлениями.

Tags:   Тренировка  •  Наталья Короткая  •  Спорт  •  Тренер  •  Шея  •  Плечи  •  Грудная клетка  •  Спина  •  Руки  •  Ноги  •  Силовая  •  Для новичка  •  Кор  •  Мотивация  •  Пульс  •  Гибкость  •  Видео  •  Приседания  •  Go top

Пресс недели🔥

... Expand

Look how University of Tennessee team (#17   in Nation) preparing for the game against David Didenko's team tomorrow. 16.000 tickets are already sold for this Game. Three best defenders preparing to guard David in this game. Go...  Expand

BK Centre, good luck David🙌

Power Workout #5 − For beginner

To have a dream figure, you need to do something for this. I suggest starting with basic workouts for the entire muscle group. The weight is small (but if you are a trained athlete and want to participate, the weight is at your...  Expand

Tags:   Sport  •  Coach  •  Natalia Korotkaya  •  Power  •  Workout  •  Beginner  •  Go top

Наталья Короткая, спасибо за тренировки👍

Online training with coach Boris Karebin and player Nikita Korotkiy 13 years old


Click link above to watch 13 years old school basketball. Can our players play that level or better?... Expand

Что такое TRX?

Коротко рассказываю в посте в Инстаграм. Дальше интереснее.

Animal Flow Practice

If you want to develop a client – develop yourself.... Expand

Tags:   Workout  •  Natalia Korotkaya  •  Sport  •  Coach  •  Animal Flow  •  Motivation  •  Flexibility  •  Whole Body  •  Go top

Наталья Короткая, очень круто 👍


Free weight leg strength development

4 free weight leg strength exercises:

• front squats • Romanian cravings • inclinations with a barbell • deadlift

Technically... Expand

Tags:   Workout  •  Natalia Korotkaya  •  Sport  •  Coach  •  Barbell  •  Squats  •  Deadlifts  •  Bends  •  Back  •  Legs  •  Go top

Наталья Короткая, обожаю Ваши тренировки! Беру с Вас пример💪

Здесь все про пульс и пульсовые зоны.

What do you say about the pulse? Let's talk.

My workout today: functional, strength, cardio. Heart rate zone: 95 – 130. Please tell me what you know about heart rate in general. Do you monitor your heart rate during exercise?

Waiting for comments 🙌

Tags:   Workout  •  Natalia Korotkaya  •  Sport  •  Coach  •  TRX  •  Pulse  •  Shoulders  •  Chest  •  Back  •  Arms  •  Legs  •  Power  •  Motivation  •  Core  •  Go top

Наталья Короткая, если честно, вообще не задумываюсь о пульсе, не измеряю почти никогда. Давно в нормальном...  Expand

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