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Basic principles in training


Be sure to eat before training. In the morning or in the evening you train – it doesn't matter. 1.5-2 hours before training – protein and carbohydrates to keep you energized.

After training, you can eat for an hour and also regardless of the time of day. It is important that you do not overeat. The main thing is not to eat before bed. Finish your meal 2-4 hours before bedtime (this is individual) and avoid salt at night. In general, salt is not our enemy, but before going to bed, it is better to limit its consumption.

Algorithm of the training process

The fact that MPF (myofascial release) needs to be done daily is not discussed. This is your body hygiene. The eternal question is where to insert it. We prepare the body and tissues for the load, so we do MFR before any workout in order to better work out the whole body.

If you understand that muscles ache like hell after training, then do MPF after strength training.

The most important thing is not to work through pain. The nervous system does not like pain, so if your approach is to roll your body so that blood flows from your eyes, this is the wrong approach.

Breathing techniques usually follow the MPFR. If you have absolutely no time for anything, then you can get by with MFR and a couple of breathing exercises.

If you want to do everything according to your mind, then the training scheme should be as follows:

  • MFR
  • Warm up joints (activation)
  • Breathing and core (or pelvic floor muscles)
  • Power work
  • Cool down (cardio or stretching)

If you have any questions, I am ready to answer 🙌

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Tags:   Academy  •  Knowledge  •  Nutrition  •  Workout Algorithms  •  Sport  •  Coach  •  Natalia Korotkaya  •  TRX

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