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MFR (myofascial release) lower limbs

Here is a version of the MFR complex not for the whole body, but only for those zones that are fundamentally important for working with the hips and pelvic floor muscles.

But, if you are doing MPF every day, then, naturally, continue to do with the whole body.

✔️ 30-40 seconds is enough to study one zone.

✔️ If there is a painful point in the working area, then it is better to linger on it, relax and breathe (up to 15 seconds), then work again in the same area, but in dynamics.

✔️ With MFR, the pressure is about 6 out of 10 points. If it hurts, use a softer roll or work in this area with a ball, or just walk with your hands. You can also reduce the load by supporting your arms or legs, depending on the exercise.


✔️ There shouldn't be any bruises

✔️ We observe the sequence of training. We go from bottom to top, this is important.


  • MFR shins
  • MFR thighs, back
  • MFR gluteal
  • MFR thigh, side
  • MFR leading
  • MFR thigh, front
  • MPF of gluteal folds

Pre-workout MPF improves flexibility and mobility, which is important especially in strength training; after- reduces pain and accelerates recovery.

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