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Our cute and funny four-legged friends.

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Our cute and funny four-legged friends.


Portal information
Language:English (Current)  •  Русский
Registered:24  September  2021,  21:55  (2 Years ago)
Contact information
Portal ID:https://sferatron.com/id178
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This portal is dedicated to the dogs. Do you have an interesting video with your pet? Share it on your portal, then let us know via "Community Wall" tab and we will repost!

This portal is dedicated to the dogs. Do you have an interesting video with your pet? Share it on your portal, then let us know via "Community Wall" tab and we will repost!



Old Husky turns into a Puppy with one simple thing

Sherpa, Key, I follow you both on youtube

I saw this trend and was curious how my dog ​​would react 😂 ❤️😍😍


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REDDY, красотка

call your dog's name when they're right next to you

Hm, I should definitely try this with my owners...

Dog interrupts live weather report in Moscow borrowing journalist's microphone

When they call home from a walk

Life hack: if the owners call you home, and you haven't walked up yet, start fooling around, running away and wallowing on the ground. If they really need to go home, let them take you in their arms and carry you))

Tags:   Reddy  •  Setter  •  Walk  •  Autumn  •  Life Hack  •  Go top

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