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Modulation Sounds − Screaming Soul

When the voice screams, the ligaments are torn. When the soul screams, strange and very strong neural connections are formed.

Like cortisol thorns, they begin to entangle the mind, blocking the impulses of the basic instinct, which we feel as love passion, gravity of attraction, or simply as "heart work".

The mind of a healthy person will try to do so to block painful memories of the past.

If a person resists this, he will condemn his "heart" to perish along with his body.

If a person allows the instinct of self-preservation to prevail over his basic instinct, then the mind will become invulnerable and impenetrable to the level of love chemistry that he seeks to extinguish.

Only an even stronger feeling than the previous one will be able to break through the formed levels of protection.

Nature has laid such a mechanism in the brain of intelligent beings in order to save fatal mistakes from repetition and survive in a stressful environment.

And if everything ends up in another drama again, it is enough just to give the brain time and building materials to build an even stronger defense.

But ... how many times is a person able to fall in love before his mind finally ceases to be susceptible to love chemistry? Isn't that why there are so many lonely people around? Well socialized and successful, but lonely inside. With a heart tightly entangled in this thorn bush and impenetrable icy darkness.

And there is nothing worse when living young and hot hearts, still able to love or who have fallen in love more strongly than before, collide with the thorns at the very last stage, desperately trying to free someone else's heart from this cage, but only hurt themselves on poisonous thorns and become infected with darkness...

A feeling of melancholy in this case will be an indicator that intellectual immunity has turned on inside. And soon everything will pass...

Tags:   Music  •  Modulation Sounds  •  Melancholy  •  Mind  •  Heart  •  Soul  •  Melody

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