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Private Key and CSR generation using the cPanel

Generating Private Key and CSR with cPanel:

1.  Login to cPanel, you can find authorization data in your registration email.

2.  In ‘Security’ section click SSL/TLS icon.

3.  Click link ‘Generate, browse or delete SSL certificate signature request’.

4.  Fill the form and click ‘Generate’ button. Please use English keyboard to input data. Fields marked with the star (*) are required.

5.  It’s done, certificate Signature Request (CSR) has been generated. Please, copy and send it to the certification authority. Afterward, follow instructions of the certification authority.

View previously created Private Key and CSR:

1.  Login to cPanel, you can find authorization data in your registration email.

2.  In ‘Security’ section click SSL/TLS icon.

3.  If you want to browse Private Key, please click link ‘Generate, browse, upload, or delete your private keys’. Next, click ‘Edit’ and see your Private Key.

4.  If you want to browse CSR, click ‘Generate, browse, upload, or delete your SSL certificate signature request’. Next, click ‘Edit’ and see your CSR.

More helpful instructions can be found on our website

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Tags:   Fozzy  •  Fast Hosting  •  Guide  •  Private Key  •  CSR  •  cPanel  •  Certificate  •  Video  •  Instruction

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