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2N cooling system

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A well-thought-out layout of cold and hot corridors between server racks allows us to maintain ideal temperature in cold p...

Green energy

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Our data centers are powered by green energy, and the average energy consumption coefficient ranges from 1.1 to 1.5...

Free Global Private Network

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Our own fully functional private network, which is isolated from the public network on hardware level. It is also separate...

Smart Traffic Dispatcher

Views  (81,40 K)   
The system monitors the load on the main channels and optimizes their usage. Smart Traffic Dispatcher automatically redire...

Only the best providers

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The list of our network providers consists of world’s leading operators, including the Big Three: Level 3, Telia and NTT.

Smart Cabling

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The system of cables which connects servers and switches, and the system of switches connecting the racks allowed us to ut...

Open racks

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Our servers are placed on open racks. And thanks to this, we can use our Smart Cabling system to create a cost-effective m...

Smart network layout

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A standard assembly point consists of 40 racks with 36 servers each. Each server has two X540 or Intel I350 network cards...


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Our data centers are certified by the Uptime Institute. We have Tier III (uptime 99.982%) and Tier IV (uptime 99.995%) cer...

Your data is protected

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All customer data is protected in terms of information security. All data centers have valid ISO 27001: 2013 and PCI DSS c...

Safety and Security

Views  (66,60 K)   
Data centers are protected not only at the level of hardware and software, but also physically.