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Boris Karebin − Author System

The great Dmitry Mendeleev created the periodic table of chemical elements in 1869. Then, the brilliant ballet teacher Agrippina Vaganova, in the 30s of the last century, completely described all the movements of classical ballet, laying the foundation for the academic teaching method.

In 2011, coach Boris Karebin fully described the algorithms of existing basketball and the possibility of creating new beating moves. The system he developed will work until moving baseball rings are introduced, running away from the player.

You can learn and master all the nuances and practice only during live training. Here is just a brief summary.

How to read our players charts:

All basketball is divided into two components:

  • Offence
  • Defence

The offence, in turn, is divided into several categories:

Moves with the ball:

  • Shots
  • Assists
  • Dribling the ball

Moves without the ball:

  • Offensive rebounds
  • Defence against Screens and pick or rolls
  • Cuts to the ball

But movements can be detailed even deeper by adding new categories.

Such a system allows you to perfectly describe and classify each movement and create algorithms for movements, even such complex ones as a throw.

The shooting algorithm consists of 87 movements and their precise execution will allow any person to score a three-point shoot if he is able to pick up and throw a basketball, that is, from the age of 8 everyone will be able to throw perfectly, but with the 6th ball and at a limited distance. And from the age of 11, as strength develops, players will be able to make 3-point shoot without restrictions.

Next are the categories:

  • Speed
  • Quickness
  • Agility
  • Strength
  • Stamina

The next important category is in-game IQ – the player's ability to create on the court.


Defense is divided into the following categories:

  • One-on-one defense
  • Defense against shooter
  • Defend dribler and stop penetration
  • Block and rebounds
  • Teams defense

Currently in the BK Centre, the coach can grow the missing categories in the players, like artificial crystals. Of course, you can look for natural diamond talents, but there are very few of them and they are in great demand. And you can grow these talents, daily and methodically.

Each such category has a gradation from 1 to 10 and on the basis of this the player's graph is built. Something is formed, comparable to fingerprints, which are always unique and unrepeatable, so there are no identical players.

With such charts, it is easy to staff a strong team with a winning combination of all parameters. But first, such charts still need to be able to correctly draw up. For example, all NBA teams have scouts who do this kind of work. But how many mistakes and failures we see in the draft!

Coach Boris Karebin, based on his schedules, predicted a great future for basketball players Tony Kukoč • Predrag Stojakovic • Zhidrunas Ilgauskas, as well as for young players: Oleg Kozhinets and David Didenko, if they can play without injury.

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Tags:   Academy  •  Boris Karebin  •  Author  •  System  •  Player Chart

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