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Subscribe to my redditron or I'll bite you!

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Subscribe to my redditron or I'll bite you!


Portal information
Language:Русский  •  English (Current)
Registered:7  September  2021,  10:31  (3 Years ago)
Contact information
Portal ID:https://sferatron.com/id173
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Hello everyone, I am a Red Irish Setter hunting dog. In my free time from hunting I like to eat, walk, sleep and fool around with my friends ...  Expand

Hello everyone, I am a Red Irish Setter hunting dog. In my free time from hunting I like to eat, walk, sleep and fool around with my friends

I would be glad to receive your likes and comments! They are almost like treats to me that never end


A Happy & Friends Yule Log – Hallmark Movies & Mysteries

Relaxed Chillout

Fall asleep during a movie in the arms of a loving human is priceless... Especially when you were not allowed on a clean sofa with dusty paws, but the hooman hacked the system...

Tags:   Reddy  •  Setter  •  Relax  •  Chillout  •  Sleepy  •  Friends  •  Go top

And what about if you don't HAVE a dog, but YOU ARE a dog? Can I get a discount too...!?

Wind in my hair..... nature, beauty...

REDDY, красотка наша😊

Invisible food? Incredible!

Did you have such a thing that you gobbled up all the food, but it feels like it's not over yet? You smell it with your own nose! And my hunting nose never deceived me... But the cup is empty! Strange things...

Tags:   Food  •  Reddy  •  Setter  •  Meme  •  Invisible Food  •  Strange  •  Go top

REDDY, гастрономический мираж он будет длится до тех пор, пока ты не облизнёшь свой носик


Because of my paws...

Sometimes I eat like a piggy. But, what can I do? It is not very convenient to eat with a fork and spoon when you have paws.

Tags:   Food  •  Reddy  •  Setter  •  Meme  •  Paws  •  Go top

REDDY, скажи: "Лапы, хвосты, шерсть...что там еще? Главное – нос!"


Weasel discharge indicator

No, I'm not a Terminator, it's just my weasel's battery has run out. Don't worry, once I’m recharged, my eyes will return to normal.

Tags:   Reddy  •  Setter  •  Friends  •  Chillout  •  Relax  •  Recharging  •  Autumn  •  Go top

REDDY, ничего себе, терминатор 😂

Sleepy autumn morning...

Sir, I'd like a coffee bone for breakfast, please. Thanks.

Tags:   Reddy  •  Setter  •  Autumn  •  Sleepy  •  Morning  •  Coffee  •  Bone  •  Go top

REDDY, возьмите пожалуйста косточку, взбодритесь


Trying Funny TikTok Trends On My Huskies!

Huh?! Sly hoomans outwitted you like puppies!

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