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Портал 268

New Sferatron user

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Портал 268

New Sferatron user


Portal information
Language:English (Current)  •  Русский
Registered:6  November  2021,  21:28  (2 Years ago)
Contact information
Portal ID:https://sferatron.com/id268
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Tell in a few words about your portal. It could be a short biography, promotional product description, a greeting for visitors, a cv, rules on your portal, etc.


David Didenko − Player Chart

The player's development chart before and after training according to Boris Karebin's system.

Tags:   Chart  •  Player  •  David Didenko  •  Progress  •  Go top

RED line is when David came to his first practice at age of 10 and green line is him now

Our goal is that every player who comes to the coach eventually signs a full scholarship at a US university, and then signs a contract with a Pro (NBA.WNBA or in Europe) and earns himself an excellent education and decent money...  Expand

3 points in game just under one minute.

Highlights from Last season, Winston Slem Christian school, regional team.

My highlights

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