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7 Minute Law  •  Part 2: LLC or C/S−Corporation

A short overview as to "why" incorporate and the choice between LLC and C/S corporation...

00:01 – Theme of the video

00:25 – A few words about Femida.us and features of business in the USA

01:32 – The difference between a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur in the USA

03:04 – About corporations and taxation of C-Corp and S-Corp

05:27 – Taxes for residents and non-residents

Get a consultation  or find out more information about our services:

Website: femida.us

E-mail: info@femida.us

Telephone: +1 703 739 9111

We are in social networks:

YouTube: https://www.youtube.​com/@femidaus

Twitter: https://twitter.com/​femidaus

Sferatron: https://sferatron.co​m/@femida

Теги:   ООО  •  Femida.us  •  7 Minute Law  •  Series  •  Dmitri Dubograev  •  Startups  •  LLC  •  C-Corp  •  S-Corp  •  Corporation  •  Taxes


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