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Sferatron − Automation Tools (Demo)

Read more about 6 use cases, demonstrated in this video:

1. Files downloading – Started at 0:00. This is a complicated version of common downloading case with re-organizing files into folders by a script. Actually files can be located on the server in a different order.

2. Web-surfing – Started at 0:30. Application opens the package of links.

3. Blank-filling – Started at 1:10. Application helps operator to extract data from the personal card to paste it into the web-form.

4. Desktop organizer – Started at 1:38. Application opens the package of casual office applications for everyday work. It can be also used for testing.

5. Single software launch – Started at 2:00. Application opens the card with interactive table (You can see here the Sferatron table editor, for creating scripts). In the common case it can be the any application with specific parameters, or link on Google Table or downloaded Excel File, etc.

6. Game session launch – Started at 2:25. Application organizes player's inventory and launch the game, skipping manual in-game preparation process, that defines initial level content. Automation can be used for sharing and launching game sessions, creating game challenges and game guides.

Теги:   Demo Portal  •  Видео  •  Без тегов  •  Сфератрон  •  Рейтинг 25  •  90 K


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