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Artem Tavakalyan − Player Chart

The player's development chart before and after training according to Boris Karebin's system.

Levels Description (Y-Axis)

10.  NBA ALL Star Maximum contracts.

9.  NBA Career players and Top Euroleagues players.

8.  NBA joinerman(in and out NBA players and very good Euroleague players ) largest players category.

7.  Euroleague career players. Top NCAA players.

6.  Local European Leagues top players.

5.  Local European Leagues career players and Division One NCAA players. Top European Junior and AAU prospects.

4.  Division Two NCAA players. Good European Junior and AAU players.

3.  USA JUCO players.

2.  High School players.

1.  Young local junior league players.

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Теги:   Chart  •  Player  •  Artem Tavakalyan  •  Progress  •  2012  •  2018


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